Saturday 25 July 2015

General News Summary, Week ending May 22, 1895.

BRISBANE, MAY 25, 1895.

General News Summary.


London wool sales brisk.
Charleville show opened.
Bootmakers' strike in Brisbane.
A Maori M.L.A. Goes Bankrupt.
Wholesale robberies at Longreach.
Intercolonial boat races held in Brisbane.
Parliament House at Santiago, Chile, burned down.
Indemnity to Great Britain paid by Nicaragua.
Chinese troops revolt and loot a town in China.
The Premier of Austria takes the huff and resigns.
California getting flooded with Japanese labour.
Block of buildings at Strathpine destroyed by fire.
Troopship Jumna burnt at the Albert Docks, London.
Victorian income tax expected to yield £200,000.
The owner of Cardiff station, Bollon, cuts his throat.
Mackay sugar farmers agitate for railway extension.
First shipment of Rockhampton oranges to Melbourne.
Editor and founder of “Whittaker's Almanac” dies.
A Mackay man fined £60 for selling three guns to kanaka.
Disastrous fire at Bermonsdey, London, damages £200,000.
Michael Cody commits suicide at Cairns by cutting his throat.
A man torn to pieces by the machinery in a Melbourne factory.
Notorious Tichborne claimant confesses that he is Arthur Orton.
N.S.W. National Ass. Opposing the proposed land and income tax.
The plucky bootmakers set am example to other wage-earners.
German Reichstag abolishes the slave traffic in its African territory.
Chinese formally hand over the island of Formosa to the Japanese.
Three boys accidently shot at Townsville, but not seriously injured.
An ex-clergyman arrested in Melbourne on a charge of criminal libel.
Michael Davitt expected to arrive in Brisbane on the 1st September.
Preliminary meeting at Charters Towers to establish a School of Mines.
A seaman in Melbourne fined £100 for smuggling 2s. worth of soap.
Victorian Government censures Judge Molesworth for speaking the truth.
Government of Belgium asks the Pope to condemn Christian Socialists.
A blackfellow arrested at Mount Morgan on a charge of killing a Javanses.
A Russian town is destroyed by fire, thirty persons perishing in the flames.
Two kanakas hung in Brisbane for the murder of an old man at Bundaberg.
French military expedition loots an African village within the British sphere.
One of the richest landowners in Russia shot dead in a public garden at Minsk.
Michael Brennan, a swagman, burnt to death in a hut at Mercoolpa, S.A.
French torpedo boat capsizes at Rochefort and four of the crew are drowned.
Terrible earthquake in Italy causes much loss of life and damage to property.
Sydney Divorce Court unties the knot of seventeen married couples in one day.
Supreme Court of the U.S. decided that the income tax passed by Congress is illegal.
Melbourne police have a desperate encounter with burglars, two of whom are arrested.
Japanese at Thursday Island celebrate by demonstration the victory over the Chinese.
Dead body of man with two wounds over his heart found on the Blue Mountains, N.S.W.
London Times says the War office administration under the Duke of Cambridge is rotten.
British merchants asks the Imperial Government to render financial help to Newfoundland.
Head rate collector of Christchurch, N.Z., arrested on a charge of embezzling the city funds.
Master bakers of Brisbane interview the Attorney-General respecting light-weight bread.
Twin sisters eat arsenic that had fallen from some sheepskins at Goulburn, N.S.W., and are poisoned.
A man is arrested at Barcaldine on a charge of attempting to fire a revolver at a police constable.
Reported that the Pope has ordered the Roman Catholics of Italy not to take part at next elections.
A Maori in New Zealand kills his wife and daughter, sets fire to his house, and than commits suicide.
Most sensational evidence given to the Royal Commission in Sydney in connection with the Dean poisoning case.
Premier Nelson informs a deputation of Protectionists that he would rather take off duties than put them on.
Leonard Harper, solicitor, of Christchurch, N.Z., charged with fraud, has been remanded, without bail, in London.
A Scotch member of the House of Commons resigns his seat because Government refuses to introduce a Crofter's bill.
A Yankee syndicate offers to advance the war indemnity to China in return for land grant railway concessions.
A man burned to death at Cooma, N.S.W., through setting fire to two dozen boxes of matches in his coat pocket.
U.S. government arranging for a joint British and American patrol of the Behring Sea during the sealing season.
Public meetings throughout the sugar-growing districts of N.S.W. protesting against the proposed repeal of sugar duties.
Claims for compensation against the N.S.W. Government, owing to recent railway accident at Redfern, amount to £185,376.
A brave railway employe' named Ewing runs the risk of being poisoned by a snake to save a train from being wrecked at Alpha.
Harriet kennedy commits suicide at Gundagai, N.S.W., by severing the arteries of her wrists and eating vermin destroyer.
High Commissioner for the Western Pacific states that the Queensland slave trade is depopulating the South Sea Islands.
European powers recommend the establishment of communes in Armenia, to be self governing and independent of Turkish rule.
Two Japanese sentenced at Cairns to three and one months' imprisonment for running away from a sugar plantation on which they worked.
President of the U.S. cashiers an admiral for publicly regretting that he was forbidden to prevent the British occupation of Corriento, in Nicaragus.   

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