JUNE 8, 1895.
ED. WORKER – Since my last letter there has been very
little improvement to report in Labour matters. There are still a
large number of working men camped about the creeks and billabongs,
with very little prospect of work until July.
Retreat and Albilbah have started shearing, and work at
these places is going on well. Green Hills will cut-out next week.
Gresham is to start first week in June. Coombemartin will start June
1st, and Saltern Creek about the middle of June.
Goodberry Hills commences shearing about the 10th
of June.
From what I can hear all these sheds are full-handed.
Reports to hand regarding the Trade Union shears speak
of them as a first-class article, and I believe there will be a great
demand for them at the general shearing.
A few members of the A.W.U. met at the union office last
week with a view of taking into consideration the advisability of
starting a co-operative store in Longreach. It seemed to be the
opinion of these present that a store should be opened, but the
matter was left over until information had been obtained from
Hughenden and other places where stores have been already opened on
the co-operative principle. Should any steps be taken in this matter
I will at once advise you.
A circulars being sent the managers of stations in this
district from the Political Ass., Brisbane, asking for names of all
men working on stations. This, I suppose, has been done with a view
of striking men off the electoral roll. I would therefore advise all
the men who have their names on the electoral roll, and who have
changed their place of residence, to notify such change of residence
to the C.P.S. Or police magistrate not later than the 1st
August, and would also advice them to keep a copy of such letter.
They should also appoint someone as their agent to appear for them at
the Revision Court – this to be in writing, and their name and
address attached. I hope men will pay attention to this.
For the information of members, I may inform them that
Revision Courts are held quarterly on the first Tuesday in January,
April, July, and October, in all electorates.
I am sorry to say tickets for the union prisoners' art
union do not go off so well as expected. I trust members and others
will do their utmost to dispose of these. - Yours, &c., W.
Kewley, Sec. A.W.U.
Longreach, May 28.
The following is a portion of the Acting Governor's
address at the opening of the Victorian Parliament:
“It is now fully recognised that the colony must use
every effort to encourage the production of such articles as can be
profitably exported. One great factor in successful production is the
obtaining of money at a low rate of interest. As soon as the royal
commission appointed to inquire into this subject and as to the
establishment of a State bank have furnished their report, my
Ministers will be prepared to lay before you a measure dealing with
the whole question in a liberal and comprehensive manner.
“Proposals for the amendment of the Constitution Act,
for establishing the principle of one adult one vote, and for
facilitating the settlement of differences between the two Houses of
the Legislature will be placed before you.
“Experience has shown that the Factories Act requires
amendment to carry out the intentions of the framers, and you will be
asked to pass a remedial measure so as to check the practice of
sweating and ensure work being carried on under proper sanitary
“Bills have also been prepared dealing with many other
important matters, including the amendment of the Purification of
Rolls Act so as to facilitate the enfranchisement of electors; the
regulation of electric lighting; the consolidation of the law
relating to the sale of goods; the settlement of trade disputes; the
amendment of the law relating to trustees; the authorisation of
advances to certain municipalities; the regulation of the width of
tires; the amendment of the explosives Act; to provide a site for
powder magazines at a safe distance from Melbourne; to effectually
deal with insect pests; to amend the laws relating to distillation;
to amend the Marine Act; to deal with questions affecting the Game
A State bank! Adult suffrage! The referendum! An amended
Factories Act! Arbitration and conciliation! Not bad to begin with.
Now just watch the Queensland Coercionists' programme.
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