Let’s bring the less conservative parts of the party closer to where most Australians and business have already arrived

The inability of the federal Coalition to do more on climate change is not simply a failure of politics. It is partly a reflection on those of us who want more action to cut emissions. The political events over the last week have again reinforced the need for business and civil society to work with and strengthen the moderates in the Liberal party to deliver more effective long-term climate action.
The more conservative parts of the Coalition have made a public sport of railing against any action on climate change. Having spent time talking to the Coalition membership base, I can understand why the people in the party who want action on climate change struggle so much. The deep ideological views of some conservatives will never be bridged by any logical or rational argument.
However, in the long-term this is not the core issue. To deliver an effective and enduring centre-right policy on climate change, we cannot simply bludgeon the more conservative parts of the Coalition into submission. We need to bring the moderate parts of the party closer to where most Australians and business have already arrived.