Wednesday 18 January 2017

One Nation asked for Trump inauguration invitation, says foreign affairs

Extract from The Guardian

Department reveals embassy asked members of Congress about spare tickets after ‘multiple requests’ from Malcolm Roberts

Ticket to the inauguration of Donald Trump
Congressman Adam Kinzinger says he is just responding to a request from the Australian embassy for a spare ticket and does not endorse any Australian political party. Photograph: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Pauline Hanson said it was an honour, but her invitation to Donald Trump’s inauguration was organised by the Australian embassy after multiple requests from One Nation, the foreign affairs department has revealed.
And according to a report by Buzzfeed the congressman who gave the tickets did not intend them as an endorsement of the Australian nationalist party.
On Monday Hanson, One Nation’s federal leader, said she had been given tickets to Trump’s swearing-in as the US president on Friday but had sent senator Brian Burston in her stead.
On Tuesday Burston told ABC Radio National the tickets came from Republican congressman Adam Kinzinger.
But Buzzfeed reported on Wednesday that Kinzinger, a congressman from Illinois who spoke out against Trump during the election, had not extended an invitation directly to One Nation.
“Our office received a request from the embassy of Australia and the congressman accommodated that request,” a spokesperson for Kinzinger reportedly said. “As such, we have given the tickets to the embassy to use as they wish. The congressman does not endorse any political party in Australia.”
In a statement on Wednesday the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade told Guardian Australia: “Following multiple requests from Senator [Malcolm] Roberts, the embassy in Washington asked a number of congressional offices if they had any spare tickets available.
“On 13 January, Congressman [Adam] Kinzinger’s office advised they had two tickets available. The tickets are not yet available for collection.”
Asked about Kinzinger distancing himself from the invitation, a spokesman for Burston said “the congressman will be the one that hands [the tickets] over” when Burston arrived. He said images of the invitation were posted to the senator’s Facebook:
He also claimed the invitation “didn’t come through the Australian embassy”.
“It came via the former Trump campaign volunteer who works with Malcolm Roberts, Darren Brady Nelson.”
On Tuesday, in a radio interview with ABC Brisbane, Malcolm Turnbull addressed Hanson’s claim she was invited to Donald Trump’s inauguration and the fact he was not.
The prime minister said his understanding was it was not the practice to invite foreign leaders such as himself and he “wouldn’t lose a moment’s sleep” if a One Nation parliamentarian attended.
Turnbull appeared uncertain of what the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade had already confirmed, that Australia’s ambassador, Joe Hockey, would attend. Turnbull said Hockey would attend if other diplomats did.

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It says a lot about the character of Senator Malcolm Roberts by the way he hero worships Trump! 
i.e. birds of a feather flock together.

The Worker

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