Thursday 10 June 2021

No discussions between Australia and NZ or US about Biloela asylum seeker family, ABC told.

 Extract from ABC News

By Jacob Kagi
, A tight mid-shot of a young Tamil girl wearing a pink shirt and pink and blue hat.
Tharnicaa Murugappan was flown to Perth Children's Hospital on Sunday with her mother.
(Supplied: Angela Fredericks)

No actual discussions have taken place between Australia and two countries flagged as resettlement options for a Tamil asylum seeker family being held indefinitely at Christmas Island detention centre, the ABC has been told.

On Tuesday, the government publicly raised the prospect of the Biloela family, including their Australian-born children, being resettled in New Zealand or the United States.

It came as mother Priya Murugappan made a desperate plea from hospital for them to be released in Australia, with her daughter being treated for a serious illness that saw her rushed to Perth from Christmas Island.

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Priya Murugappan pleads for help for her three-year-old daughter Tharnicaa.

Supporters of the family that has spent three years in immigration detention said they were in the dark about the idea until Foreign Minister Marise Payne revealed it to the media.

Idea labelled 'unnecessarily cruel'

Supporters and advocates said they were unimpressed by the prospect of a third-country resettlement option.

"It's unnecessarily cruel to send them to another country," Human Rights Watch Australian researcher Sophie McNeill tweeted.

The Tamil Refugee Council said the family should be returned to Biloela, not sent to another country.

A father and mother with their two daughters.

The family, who lived in Biloela before entering detention, were sent to Christmas Island in 2019.
(Supplied: Angela Fredericks)

"That is the easiest option and that is what the government should be looking at," founder Aran Mylvaganam said.

"Thousands of Australians want this family to be returned to Biloela and we want that message to be taken seriously rather than looking for other options."

Immigration lawyer Carina Ford, who represents the family, said the idea came out of the blue.

A woman speaks into a loudspeaker, four others hold signs including one saying 'bring them home'.

Protestors outside Michaelia Cash's Perth office today called for the family to be settled in Australia.
(ABC News: Herlyn Kaur)

"In relation to the suggestion there is a resettlement offer, we have not heard anything and nor has our client," Ms Ford said.

"It has taken us by surprise because it hasn't been discussed and nor has it, in the past, been applied to the cohort my family is in.

"We are hesitant to agree to it until we know further details and know whether it is realistically on the table."

A handful of protestors gathered outside Attorney-General Michaelia Cash's Perth electorate office today, calling for the family and other Tamil asylum seekers to be settled in Australia.

Christmas Island stay has cost $6.7m so far

The family remain adamant they do not want to return to Sri Lanka, from where the parents arrived separately by boat in 2012 and 2013 before marrying in Australia and having two children in the country.

Tharnicaa comforted by sister Kopica in hospital on Christmas Island

Tharnicaa was comforted by her sister Kopica in hospital on Christmas Island before departing.

Parents Priya and Nades plus children Tharnicaa and Kopika resided in the Queensland town of Biloela before they were taken by Australian Border Force officials in 2018.

Since 2019, they have been held at Christmas Island, an operation that cost the Federal Government $6.7 million up to January.

Medical treatment on island questioned

Priya and Tharnicaa are currently at Perth Children's Hospital after the girl was rushed there on an emergency flight, with what supporters say was untreated pneumonia leading to a blood infection.

Tharnicaa laying on a hospital bed with her mother holding her head and comforting her.

Tharnicaa has been diagnosed with sepsis due to previously undiagnosed pneumonia, friends say.

But the Department of Home Affairs has steadfastly rejected claims the medical treatment of Tharnicaa was botched.

"The minor has been receiving medical treatment on Christmas Island consistent with medical advice," the department said.

"Healthcare services for detainees on Christmas Island are broadly comparable with those available within the Australian community under the Australian public health system."An ambulance arrives at Perth Children's Hospital.

An ambulance took Tharnicaa and her mother Priya to hospital after their flight landed in Perth.
(ABC News: Herlyn Kaur)

The federal government has continued to defend its handling of the situation, saying a tough approach to arrivals by boat had halted deadly incidents involving people-smuggling vessels.

"We have taken a strong but very compassionate stand … this is the road this government has taken, but people are no longer dying at sea and I think that's a very good thing," Government Services Minister Linda Reynolds said.

"There is no simple solution to people arriving in Australia illegally.

"If people come here illegally, they will not settle here permanently."

Candlelit vigil outside hospital

More than 300 people braved the cold and rain to attend a candlelight vigil outside Perth Children’s Hospital on Wednesday night in support of Tharnicaa’s health battle and the family's fight against deportation.

Tamil-Australian woman Anji Sam attended with her own daughters Nala, 10,  and Meera, 8, and said she wanted the family to be allowed to stay in Australia.A mother and her daughters hold candles in the dark outside a hospital.

Anji Sam, with daughters Nala and Meera, said the way the Murugappan family had been treated was "abhorrent".
(ABC News: James Carmody)

“I think this touches everyone in Australia,” Dr Sam said.

“I’ve got two daughters, they’ve got two daughters, it strikes too close to home and I want this changed, enough is enough.”

The crowd lined the busy Winthrop Avenue outside the hospital for over an hour,  holding signs and singing children’s songs.

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