Saturday 4 March 2017

Beyond the coal rush part 2: The age of coal

From The Science Show

Saturday 3 September 2016 12:05PM (view full episode)

Today, Tom Morton continues documenting the struggle against coal on three continents. In Germany, the proposed expansion of a coal mine would see villages destroyed, along with farmland and forest. In Australia, a food bowl in northern NSW will be at risk if aquifers are damaged by mining. Farmers and environmentalists have joined forces in an unlikely alliance. And in India, subsistence farmers would be removed from traditional lands, with animal corridors disrupted if a proposed mine expansion goes ahead.

Reporter: Tom Morton
Production: David Fisher, Tom Morton
Technical production: Judy Rapley
Original music: Stuart Brown
Researcher: Emma Lancaster
Additional recordings:  Manuel Waltz
Additional Research: Areeb Hashmi, Kanchi Kohli, Manju Menon, Katja Müller, Rebecca Pearse
Readings: Stephen Adams, Eurydice Aroney, Mark Don, Joe Gelonesi, Christoph Kaufmann,  Colin Moody, Timothy Nicastri, Shiv Palekar, Edmond Roy, Steven Tilley,
ABC Archivist: Sabrina Lipovic
ARC research project investigators: University of Technology Sydney: James Goodman, Devleena Ghosh, Tom Morton, Jon Marshall; University of Sydney: Linda Connor,Stuart Rosewarne. External Partner Investigators: Ortwin Renn, Dipesh Chakrabarty
Research and travel funded by the Australian Research Council Discovery Grant “The Coal Rush and Beyond”.
Additional funding: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology Sydney

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