Saturday 4 March 2017

Russia recession: The everyday struggle to make ends meet, while Putin presents strong front to the West

Extract from ABC News

By Europe correspondent Lisa Millar
Posted about 4 hours ago

Russia's economy is starting to grow again after years of recession, brought on by falling oil prices, sanctions and a weak currency. But the recovery is slow, despite Government claims to the contrary.

Inside Putin's Russia

The ABC's Lisa Millar and David Sciasci secured rare media visas to visit Russia. Here's what they're planning:
Outside Moscow's city limits, in towns like Balabanovo, many Russians are less optimistic about the future.
"We have six kids, we live in 30 square metres, the administration pays no attention to us," one woman said, standing next to her husband who was carrying one of the children.
She said they had asked for help with accommodation and were struggling to make ends meet.
Balabanovo is almost 100 kilometres from Moscow but commuters will make the daily trek, preferring a cheaper life in a smaller town.

Regions reflect realities of daily life

Alexandra Zorina joined Teach for Russia — a scheme to get young professionals into the countryside.
"When I was living in Moscow I understood that the level of education in Russia is not the same in big cities and in small cities," the 26-year-old said.
"So I took a decision to move to a small city and try to do something different in this school.
"To try to be maybe a bit more effective or a bit more interesting to these children and maybe to give them a possibility of having another level of education."
The history teacher does not think the economy has started improving, and certainly not outside the big cities.
"I mean people have less possibilities to travel, to get education, even to buy some things that can improve their life and make it more easier," Ms Zorina said.
"Balabanovo is reflecting the whole Russia life better than Moscow and other big cities in this country."

'Wisdom comes with age'

But the school's principal Victor Loktyuhin is older and his memory is longer.
"If we to compare it to the 90s, after perestroika, the difference is striking," he said.
"I think the level of life is much better than in the 90s. In the 90s we were just trying to survive."
An older woman says she knows there is inflation. "But I can feel stability," she said.
"We are living better than we used to in the 90s."
There are others living in Balabanovo who confidently boast of problem-free lives.
"It's my opinion only but I don't see economic problems. I'm a businessman, everything is good for me, I don't have any problems," one man said.
But generally Russians' expectations of the future are muted.

Putin presents a strong front

Food staples like milk, eggs, cheese and some meats have doubled in price.
The West imposed sanctions in 2014 over the war in eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea, and in return Russia imposed import embargoes on some products.
There is no cheese from France for example.
What that has done is enable President Vladimir Putin to present a common enemy to Russians — the West.
And if suffering economically is what they have to do to take a strong stand on what they believe is right, then the majority of Russians seem happy to do that.
The caveat of course is that the information they rely on to make those decisions is generally directed by the Kremlin.
Mr Putin's popularity is reportedly sitting on 80 per cent.
The economy may not have stabilized but he has been able to tighten his grip on the Kremlin.

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