Friday 2 September 2022

French President Emmanuel Macron plans Australian visit one year on from submarine spat with Morrison government.

 Extract from ABC News

Exclusive by defence correspondent Andrew Greene and Foreign Affairs reporter Stephen Dziedzic
French President Emmanuel Macron stands at a lecturn with the French flag on the left behind him.
French President Emmanuel Macron delivers a speech during the French ambassadors' conference at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Thursday. (Reuters: Mohammed Badra)

Planning is underway for French President Emmanuel Macron to visit Australia in November, as both nations steadily repair diplomatic relations following the cancellation of a lucrative attack-class submarine project last year.

The ABC has learnt officials have begun preparing for a visit scheduled to occur after Mr Macron and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese join world leaders at the G20 summit in Bali.

"Discussion on the French VVIP visit has been going on for a while. It's getting close to formally confirmed," one figure familiar with the preliminary planning told the ABC.

Several other officials with knowledge of the proposed trip have confirmed the November timing, but said details are not ready to be publicly announced by both governments.

During a visit to Paris in July, Mr Albanese and Mr Macron declared a "new start" in relations, almost a year after the Morrison government tore up the submarine contract with French shipbuilder Naval Group in favour of the AUKUS partnership.

"My presence here represents a new start for our countries' relationship," Mr Albanese said after arriving at the Elysee Palace.

"Australia's relationship with France matters. Trust, respect and honesty matter. This is how I will approach my relations."

Two men shake hands for camera as one waves.
Mr Macron met with Mr Albanese at the Elysee Palace in Paris in July.(Reuters: Benoit Tessier)

A month earlier, Australia agreed to pay Naval Group $835 million in compensation, following the decision to tear up a $90-billion contract to build 12 submarines.

News of Mr Macron's scheduled visit emerged as Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles visited the French city of Brest to inspect a warship and hold talks with the French Minister of the Armed Forces, Sébastien Lecornu.

G20 leaders including Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin are scheduled to meet in Bali on November 15 and 16.

Officials say there is also a possibility the new British prime minister could also visit Australia following the G20 summit in Bali, although uncertainty over who will replace Boris Johnson means planning a visit is more difficult.

In 2018 Mr Macron became only the second French president to visit Australia. It came two years after the Turnbull government selected France's Naval Group to design and build Australia's future fleet of submarines.

Four years earlier, Mr Macron's predecessor made history by visiting Australia for the 2014 G20 meeting, which included talks with then prime minister Tony Abbott at Parliament House.

The ABC has contacted the Prime Minister's office for comment.

The ABC contacted the French embassy but it declined to comment.

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