Meetings with Theresa May and the Queen to be held away from protests in capital

Donald Trump will almost entirely avoid London during his four-day visit to the UK next week, Downing Street has said, unveiling an itinerary that is likely to prompt accusations he is trying to avoid planned protests against him.
While the US president is conducting his meetings, the first lady, Melania Trump, will have an agenda of her own, in the company of her opposite number, Philip May.
Trump, who is to meet Theresa May and the Queen among others before spending two days in Scotland, will only spend the night in London on Thursday, the day of his arrival, staying at the US ambassador’s official residence in Regent’s Park, Winfield House.
Before that he will attend a gala dinner at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, and the following day he will hold talks with the prime minister at her Chequers country retreat in Buckinghamshire. Both are places where protesters can be kept out of sight and earshot.
Later on the Friday he will meet the Queen at Windsor Castle before heading to Scotland for the weekend.
Details about what Trump will do in Scotland will be released next week, but No 10 has described the leg as “a private element of the official visit”. There is widespread speculation he will spend part of it playing golf.
The US ambassador to the UK, Woody Johnson, rejected the suggestion Trump was trying to keep away from any dissent.
“No, the president is not avoiding anything,” he told a press briefing. “The president is merely trying to get as impactful a trip as he can get in a 24-hour period.” Trump will be using London as a base during his visit, Johnson said.
Activists have promised to stage protests against Trump throughout his visit, with an event planned in London next Friday expected to be the biggest.
While he is in the capital, a giant “Trump baby” balloon, caricaturing him as a nappy-wearing infant, will be flown in the sky over Westminster after the Greater London Authority (GLA) granted the creators permission.
Asked whether Trump had heard of the baby balloon, Johnson said: “Yes, I think we’re all aware of these things.” While the president was focused on his objectives, he “appreciates free speech, both in this country and in our country”, Johnson added.
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