Saturday 7 July 2018

Your honest stories about retirement and finding meaning after work

Updated yesterday at 11:50am

What does retirement mean to you?
For some it's a chance to sleep in, play golf and spend time with the grandkids. For others, it's a transition made harder without family and social connections.
Michael Longhurst is a former psychologist who has made it his mission to understand retirement by interviewing 200 retirees for a major research project.
His findings? Many people are unprepared for life after work — and not just when it comes to money.
"When people are in the workforce they often have recreational activities that they're very fond of, such as golf or fishing, and they envisage that that's what they will be doing in retirement," he said.
"Now that's OK during what's known as the honeymoon phase of retirement, which is the time where it just feels like a long holiday, but after a while, those recreational activities, there is just not enough in them to provide satisfaction or a sense of purpose."

We asked ABC audiences what their experience of retirement was — or what they hope it will be — and their honest responses offer insight into a world away from the 9-5 grind.

Most said the key was keeping busy:

Fill every day! I retired after 40 years of nursing and have each day planned the night before: crocheting knee rugs for aged-care facilities, walking every day, and I have taken up photography — Beth Bunn
We have just bought two acres and are going off-grid. We plan to spend our days looking after our animals, being self-sufficient and traveling. I don't see that as waiting to die — Kerrie Cull
I have been retired for six years now and I am thoroughly enjoying life. There is so much to do and every day is busy. Getting involved in the community, keeping fit, socialising, travelling and writing and researching has meant that there is never enough time in the day. It took about a year after retirement to get into the new rhythm — Denise Grant

Some just want the 'me' time:

I'm a retired teacher for four years now. You try rationalising with a 14-year-old girl on their phone in class. Couldn't wait to get out. Never looked back — Brett Fraser

I retired age 66 and was a workaholic. It's amazing how I was able to become quite lazy and enjoy myself — June Johnston
I'm loving it! Less money, but more sleep and time to read, go out, go walking, painting and more — Pauline Mulberry
Retirement = what I want, when I want and IF I want. Financial considerations aside of course — Jill Cawthan

For one, the loss of a loved one made it harder:

I never had a plan, I just retired at 61 and enjoyed the next 18 years. Then my wife of 51 years passed on and now at 80, I am unprepared for the future. For me the problem has just started: no grandchildren to watch grow up, unsure what the future holds — Leonard Kelton Smith

For many it was a transition:

I looked forward to retirement for years, was counting down the months, then I lost my job! I freaked I wasn't ready mentally for the rejection by society and my loss of self-worth. I scrambled back to employment and tried a lot of jobs I'd always wanted to try for a while. I currently (at post 60) have a casual admin job of just eight hours a week and I feel like "retirement" just might be OK — Jill Taylor
I retired because of a work injury at the age of 52. It hit me badly at the time but now I am content. Had to move to the bush, but I live near a wonderful country town where people are friendly and the cost of living is cheaper — Petra Harris
I'm cutting down work hours slowly. I think it would have been a huge shock to my system to stop suddenly from a high pressure job — Rosina Edeling
I am still doing a few hours' work at 68. Apart from the financial benefit I still enjoy my customers and social interaction. Lucky to have a great employer — Lynn Webberley

While others said it was all about giving back:

Loving retirement. I am a wildlife carer and rescuer. We have a humidicrib at home so we can look after the really tiny critters. We can choose to do the things we love instead of having to do the things we have to do — Nalda Paterson
Since I retired I have been as busy as ever looking after grandchildren, playing sport and volunteering with different sports. Spending time with lovely friends and family living life and loving my retirement — June Nicholls

Some still needed their space:

We do volunteer and have some like interests, but most importantly we also have some differing interests. Now that HAS been good for our relationship; it means we can get out of each other's space for a while — Wendy O'Brien

And others can't wait to retire:

We are really looking forward to it! Scrimped, saved and lived a very simple life and we'll reap the benefits in a couple of years — Lee Harrison

I'm 65 next birthday and am looking forward to retiring and starting on the old-age pension as I can automatically exit from the permanent disability pension. As a previous workaholic I hate not working and would rather work part-time until the day I died — Geoff Bell

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