Contemporary politics,local and international current affairs, science, music and extracts from the Queensland Newspaper "THE WORKER" documenting the proud history of the Labour Movement.
MAHATMA GANDHI ~ Truth never damages a cause that is just.
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
No matter your age or gender - there is no escaping the underemployment boom
‘The youngest workers have certainly felt the effects more than the
rest, but all ages and genders have seen underemployment either remain
steady or fall much less than has the unemployment rate over the past
four years’
Photograph: Joe Castro/AAP
common criticism of the monthly unemployment figures is that they don’t
take into account the level of workers wanting more hours. The ABS has
addressed this issue, and from now on along with the monthly
unemployment rate we will get a monthly underemployment rate. This will
enable us to better track problems in the economy and perhaps get a
better sense of when our wages might start to grow faster.
Until now the ABS has only had underemployment measured in trend and
seasonally adjusted terms every quarter. But since July 2014 the ABS had
been measuring underemployment on a monthly basis, and it now finally
has enough data to be able to calculate seasonal affects. Thus from now
on we will get a monthly figure.
This is a fantastic development that is rather remarkable in light of
the very significant cuts to the ABS funding over the past five years.
It should reduce the criticism of the ABS that it misses out on many
“real” unemployed because it counts being employed as working at least
one hour a week.
As I have noted in the past,
the proportion of people working small number of hours a week has
actually shrunk over the past 15 years, but nonetheless, people do still
like to suggest that somehow the figures are illegitimate. Having a
monthly underemployment rate will also increase the attention on that
measure, which is certainly good given the large impact it has on wages
and household income growth.
In September, while the trend unemployment rate remained steady at
5.2% (but still as low as it has been since June 2012), the trend
underemployment rate fell to 8.3% – the lowest it has been since August
2014, but still historically very high:
is a measure of those who are employed but who would wish for more
hours. Mostly this is part-time workers, but it can include full-time
workers who for whatever reason have in the past month not had as many
hours as they would usually expect.
It is worth noting that being an underemployed part-time worker does
not necessarily mean you want to work full-time. The median extra hours
work desired by those who work 1-9 hours a week, for example, is just
The simple explanation for our current high level of underemployment
is that we have a lot more people working part-time than in the past,
and therefore it only serves to reason that we would have more
And yet there is more to it than that. One big difference is that now
more part-time workers want to work more hours than they did in the
past. At the start of this century, 25% of male and 16% of women
part-time workers wanted more hours; now it is 33% and 23% respectively:
But this in itself is not a problem, for as I have previously noted
underemployment and unemployment usually moved in sync, and then in 2014
they stopped doing so.
Consider that the trend unemployment rate is the same now as it was
in November 2004 but the underemployment rate is 1.5% points higher:
Indeed the gap which the underemployment rate is above the unemployment rate is now larger than it has ever been:
The question is why, and who is affected?
This latest lot of new data allows us to break the data down by gender and age.
Women, by virtue of being employed part-time in greater numbers, have
always had a higher level of underemployment than men. In fact, for
most of this century, the level of male unemployment and underemployment
was nearly identical. But then in 2014 they split:
this does not mean the divergence between the two measures is all due
to men, women too saw their unemployment rates fall from the end of 2014
while their level of underemployment remains steady:
One issue is clearly age. Younger workers are much more likely to be
underemployed – even more than they are likely to be either unemployed
or employed part-time:
This suggests that young people are much less likely to work
part-time because they want to than because it is the only work they can
But this again would not be much of concern if the underemployment of
younger workers moved in sync with their unemployment. And yet it is
clear from the data that this is not so.
unemployment rate for 15-24 year olds is now 11.2%, the lowest since
the middle of 2011. But the underemployment rate is at 18.1% – just
below the record high of 18.3%:
And while it perhaps might not be surprising that younger workers are
experiencing near record levels of underemployment, the big concern is
that this is also the case for workers aged 25-44. Since the end of
2014, the unemployment rate for these workers has fallen 1.2% points,
while their underemployment rate has gone down just 0.2% pts:
Essentially there has been no escaping the underemployment boom. Yes,
the youngest workers have certainly felt the effects more than the
rest, but all ages and genders have seen underemployment either remain
steady or fall much less than has the unemployment rate over the past
four years.
The deputy governor of the RBA, Guy Debelle, suggested in a speech
last week that because the volume of underemployment (measured as a
percentage of the desired hours worked over total potential hours in the
labour force) has remained relatively flat, the unemployment rate
remains the best measure of the labour market.
But as we have seen, the strongest correlation at the moment with wages growth is underemployment, not unemployment:
And with the rate now to come out every month, we can also expect it
to begin garnering much more attention – by both the public and
hopefully policy makers.
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