Monday 19 May 2014

Fuel-Cell Powered Locomotives

When we eventually vote these idiots and fools out of the Australian Government and get back to common sense policies to reduce the effects of Climate Change, this idea might be one of the many that can be used.

Locomotives with hydrogen fuel-cells power plants with the help of a big push by Government is needed with the political will to use this technology. To rebuild the railways in a big way would provide reliable public transport and freight. Not only in the Metropolitan area but also replacing the railway lines that have been torn up in the regional areas which would rejuvenate a lot of the Country Towns (jobs etc). These areas would become transport hubs with electric/fuel-celled/biofueled cars and trucks connecting with trains at stations.

The first step would be what is the best way to produce the hydrogen that is environmentally friendly. Well, hydrogen can be produced by renewable energy.

Oil is a finite resource and will just get scarcer and scarcer and dearer and dearer as time goes on until it runs out completely. So we should do something now rather than later and the environmental benefits would be enormous.

When it comes to Oil running out some
 Governments are just like the Ostrich
 they just don't want to know about it!

The Worker

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