Exclusive: Marine Park Authority scaled back surveys in 2017, when mass bleaching occurred in successive years for first time

The Australian government-funded Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority drastically scaled back surveys of coral bleaching in the middle of an unprecedented two-year marine heatwave, as its monitoring program almost ran out of money.
The authority’s field management program conducted more than 660 in-water surveys of reefs in 2016, during the first of two consecutive mass bleaching events. The program’s annual report said those surveys “played a key role in determining the extent of mortality caused”.
In 2017, when mass bleaching and coral deaths occurred in successive years for the first time, the survey work was largely stopped.
The authority conducted only “opportunistic” studies in 2017 and instead relied mainly on aerial surveys conducted by other well-regarded research bodies.
The field management program, which is run in conjunction with the Queensland government, spent almost all of its money in the 2016/17 financial year. Its annual report said expenditure was “within 1% of available funds”.
Government spending on the Great Barrier Reef remains under scrutiny.
The Senate will hold an inquiry into the federal government’s decision to grant $443.8m to the not-for-profit Great Barrier Reef Foundation, a group with ties to the fossil fuel industry. The foundation’s chairman’s panel, a corporate membership group, is made up of chief executives and directors of companies including Commonwealth Bank, BHP and Shell.
When the government announced the grant to the foundation, it also allocated $42.7m over six years to the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) joint field management program, which monitors the extent of bleaching events, among other work.
GBRMPA released a comprehensive glossy report on the 2016 bleaching event in June last year, based on the 663 in-water reef health and impact surveys conducted by the field management program, and supplemented by other research.
A similar report on the 2017 event has been promised, but not yet released.