Sunday 10 March 2019

Australians deserve the truth - Climate Council

Climate Council

We need your help.
The Federal Government has been busy doing everything they can to bamboozle the Australian public on climate change. They’ve been falsely claiming that they have a plan to tackle climate change and that Australia will meet its 2030 greenhouse gas emissions reduction target “in a canter”.
This is despite the most up-to-date emissions data being released last week, which confirmed that Australia’s greenhouse gas pollution levels have now risen for several years running.
Energy Minister Angus Taylor has even been out in the media claiming that our emissions are going down, despite federal government data (for the year to September 2018) showing the opposite (1).
It’s completely unacceptable for our leaders to peddle myths and misinformation in an attempt to fool the Australian public and derail real climate progress.
An urgent intervention to stop misinformation being spread is required. But we need your help...
We’ve assembled 28 of the country’s leading climate and energy experts – including climate scientists, academics and former heads of energy companies, who have over 600 years of collective experience – to sign a joint statement. It stresses that without further action, Australia will not meet its 2030 pollution reduction target.
And this is where you come in. We need as many people to see this statement as possible to make sure they’re not hoodwinked by the Federal Government’s misinformation.
Can you pitch in to get this joint statement from experts into the newspaper? If we raise enough money we'll put the ad in a national newspaper to ensure maximum exposure.

Australia is in the firing line of climate change impacts and we need urgent action. The suite of measures announced by the Government last week will do nothing to tackle climate change, despite their claims.
When it comes to Australia’s rising greenhouse gas emissions, the truth is black and white - so too should be our response. Can you get this ad printed in the paper, so thousands of Australians can see the truth in black and white.
Yes, I’ll chip in to get a full page ad into the newspaper, so thousands of Australians can know the truth.
Tackling climate change effectively requires credible national policy to drive down greenhouse gas pollution across all sectors. The same evidence-based science that is already driving countries around the world to take urgent action should be the underpinning of Australian national policy.

Let’s keep up the fight.
Petra Stock

Senior Energy and Climate Solutions Analyst

P.S. Read and share our new report ‘The Angriest Summer’, launched today, which details the record-breaking heat and destructive extreme weather events, experienced this summer.

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