Tuesday 15 January 2019

General News Summary, August 31, 1895.


General News Summary.


Cholera prevalent in Japan.
Serious bush fires in many parts of N.S.W.
Anti-missionary riots still continue in China.
Severe shock of earthquake at Port Darwin.
North Brisbane Benevolent Asylum wound up.
Sydney police make a raid on all totalisator shops.
Terrible massacre of 100 women in Madagascar.
Gibbin Hall Library in Tasmania destroyed by fire.
Chinese soldiers in revolt owing to arrears of pay.
Russia massing troops on the Armenian frontier.
Nellie Norman takes rough on rats in Sydney and dies.
Sesham Colliery, Newcastle, takes fire and is closed.
Mrs. Moss, of Echuca, attempts suicide by shooting.
Big fire at Walgett, N.S.W., five shops destroyed.
A little girl named Ryan fatally burned at Toowoomba.
John Zeub fined £200 in Sydney for keeping an illicit still.
Five thousand French troops on the sick list in Madagascar.
Statue to be erected to Sir George Grey at Auckland, N.Z.
Clement Wraggs calculates a big storm hanging around.
Frequent occurrence of earthquake shocks in New Zealand.
Meat Export Company's woolshed at Belmont burned down.
Bands of armed grigands causing much trouble in Sardinia.
Southern portions of Queensland suffering severely from drought.
Albert Schwartlose commits suicide at Geraldton by shooting.
A Victorian clergyman is arrested charged with a horrible offence.
Railway express trains in England travelling 540 miles in 520 minutes.
Reported discovery of gold reefs at Gracemere, near Rockhampton.
South Australian Government propose to reduce the Governor's wages.
Steamers Victorian and Emu extensively damaged by fire in Sydney.
Big fire at Walgett, N.S.W., A.J.S. Bank and five shops burned down.
Portions of N.S.W. coast obscured by the heavy smoke from bush fires.
N.S.W. Government proposes to raise a loan in London of £3,727,000.
Three burglars arrested in Melbourne, one fo whom is shot by a detective.
A man named Cockburn residing in the Blackall Ranges shoots himself.
Thre Chinamen at Albury fined £50 each for trying to evade the poll-tax.
Eliza Fogarty seriously burned in Sydney through her clothes catching fire.
Big waterspout passes over Rylstone, New South Wales, doing much damage.
Grain and sugar warehouse in London destroyed by fire, damages £250,000.
A white man named Hayes is mobbed by kanakas at Murwillumbah, N.S.W.
All Jews expelled by the Russian authorities from the naval port of Vladivostock.
Prince of Bulgaria declines to grant an audience to the British agent at Sofia.
A man named Thomson is cut to pieces by a train in a New Zealand railway tunnel.
Melbourne Fire Brigade officer, O'Brien, presented with a gold watch for bravery.
A Melbourne firm of printers fined £150 for trying to defraud the Victorian customs.
Serious collision in Moreton Bay between steamer Ranelagh and schooner Moonta.
Mount Morgan Gold Mining Company pays first monthly instalment of royalty, £604.
Mrs. Rhodes quarrels with her husband and then commits suicide at Jarradale, W.A.
William Young, a miner, falls down a shaft 150ft. deep at Creswick, Vic., and is killed.
Sydney police raids a gambling den, arresting thirty-eight Chinamen and four Europeans.
Forty Afghans re-shipped from Perth to Kurrachi by order of the police magistrate.
Robert Kennedy gives himself in charge to the Melbourne police for swindling in Queensland.
Edward Callwood, a sailor on board the ship Cairnbulg at Adelaide, falls from aloft and is killed.
United States demands an indemnity for the ill-treatment of an American citizen in Madagascar.
A wife gives evidence against her husband in connection with a big jewellery robbery in Sydney.
Eleven shops totally destroyed by fire at Woollongong, N.S.W. Damages estimated at £10,000.
Six Chinamen already convicted of murder in connection with the Kucheng missionary outrages.
Charles Francis Gibson acquitted of the charge of murder at Brisbane on the grounds of insanity.
A vote of the House of Commons declares dynamiter John Daly ineligible to represent Limerick.
William Thomas Blythe, aged 90 years, commits suicide in Sydney by jumping into a waterhole.
Serious Collision between two steamers in the English Channel. One steamer sunk, but no lives lost.
An explosive letter, addressed to Rothschild, Paris, is opened by his secretary, who is seriously injuried.
Shipwrecked steamer Catterthun discovered four and a-half miles from Seal Rocks in 40 fathoms of water.
Commissary of police at Sofia arrested on a charge of allowing the murderer of the ex-Premier to escape.
Great Britain sends a fleet of war vessels to overawe Turkey into proceeding with Armenian reforms.
Emperor of Germany invites the English General, Lord Roberts, to attend German military maneuvers.
Fourteen men killed and a number of others injured by an explosion at Carnegie's iron works in Pennsylvania.
A woman brings a libel action against the proprietor of the Sydney Sunday Times and is awarded £250 damages.
Patrick Bourke, riding home from a lecture of Michael Davitt's, at Uralla, N.S.W., is thrown from his horse and killed.
The editor of a Sofia newspaper gets two years in gaol for blaming Prince Ferdinand for the murder of the ex-Premier Stmbouloff.
Smithsonian Institute in the U.S. awards a prize of 10,000dols. to Lord Raymond and Professor Ramsay for discovering the new element, Argon.   

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