Saturday 8 December 2018

From space, the ferocity of Queensland’s bushfires is revealed

Extract from ABC News

Digital Story Innovation Team

In the face of an unimaginable bushfire threat, emergency agencies delivered a dire warning: evacuate now or burn to death.
For many, it was a signal that last week’s unfolding emergency would be unlike any fire Queensland had faced in recent memory.
In a perfect storm of extreme heat and fierce winds, fires erupted across a huge stretch of Queensland.
Properties were razed and entire towns were almost wiped off the map.
The fires were so intense they even penetrated rainforests — a phenomenal occurrence which has astounded and alarmed fire scientists.
“Rainforests are non-burnable. That’s one of their distinguishing features. So if a rainforest is burning, that’s really significant,” said David Bowman, Professor of Pyrogeography and Fire Science at the University of Tasmania.
But it’s hard to get a sense of just how massive the unfolding disaster was. That is, until you see it from the sky.
Satellite imagery and data captured over Queensland in recent weeks gives us a different perspective of the bushfires. It highlights not only the unprecedented nature of this natural disaster, but also the incredible role firefighters played in protecting vast numbers of properties.

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